Thursday, August 11, 2016

Top 15 Places I Would Love to Visit

To travel, to see the world! 
To look upon the colors of the world.
To see how other people live, the animals and to see other lands.
This would make me so happy.
Everyone says to travel when you are young and now I know why. Once you get settled into a job and have kids you just can't do it. You don't have the time or the money to travel. I wish I would've known back when I was younger. 
My husband and I would love to travel but like I said it would take a lot to do that. We really don't have the money or the time. We were talking this last week about traveling and decided that we have an old alhambra (water jar if anyone remembers those) jar and we keep our change in it. Most of the time we just take the money ever so often and roll it to deposit into the bank. We decided to let it fill up and have it for one destination at a time. This way we will be able to save up the money and we just have to figure out the time. It could take forever to save up but it will be worth it.
So here is my top 15 places that I would like to visit:

1. Ireland

Just looking at this picture and all the others you can find online just makes you want to go. It's absolutely beautiful. Plus, I'm mainly Irish with a few other things. My husband has a bit of Irish as well so that work for both of us.
The castles, the rolling green hills and of course the beer. Those are just a few reasons why. I have just always had a desire since I was a child to visit here.

2. Scotland

I have a bit of Scottish in me as well so that 's my first desire but also it's stunningly beautiful as well. 

3. Alaska (this is in my country but I still want to visit so I added it)

I have wanted to go to Alaska for a long time. It's so beautiful and there are things you will never see anywhere else. 

These top three places my husband and I have both had as our top places to visit. 

4. Portugal

This one is for my husband. He wants to go to The Azores. This is his heritage and he would like to visit. Oh darn I have to enjoy this extremely beautiful place. I would love to visit it as well. When you look up the pictures of this place it's absolutely gorgeous. 

5. Israel

First and foremost this would be amazing to walk where Jesus walked. To go to the Holy Land.
The Garden Tomb, The Mount of Olives, Mount Zion and Bethlehem. Seriously this would just be such an amazing trip to take.

6. New Zealand

A beautiful Island!
Well, not just one island.
There area amazing animals and beautiful waters to be seen here.

7. Italy

I think of Italy as most people think of it a country of romance.
This picture right here is one for sure to go see.
I want to taste all their delicious food and seem their amazing buildings.

8. Greece

Ancient Greece!
Plus beautiful waters and cities.

9. Japan

My husband I'm sure wouldn't like the busy city. I had an exchange student from Japan when I was in high school and ever since then I have wanted to go. The bamboo grove would be great to see and to have Sushi all the time...... Sounds good to me :)

Australia has so many things to do. From the Sydney Opera House to the Great Barrier Reef. The waterfalls are supposed to be spectacular and the animals, I would love to see the animals.

11. France
France, another romantic country. The Eiffel Tower, Paris, the Notre Dame Cathedral. So many things to do in France. The food must be phenomenal.

12. Germany
My mom lived in Germany for a while when my dad was in the army. She would tell me things about their roads, the beer and how they use all white Christmas lights. I love all white Christmas lights. I think I would love to go for Oktoberfest of course. I would like to see the Berlin wall and the beautiful castles.

13. Sri Lanka
I heard the snakes are terrible (which almost makes me change my mind). I really just found out about this place but I would love to visit. They have beautiful beaches and mountains. Ancient buildings and Elephants :)

So many Cathedrals in Spain to see. Going to Madrid and Barcelona, the bull fights and the food.

15. Mexico
I know this should be an easy one because I live in California. I have never been to Mexico. My husband has been. He used to go fishing with his Dad there. I will take a small place like this and stay on the beach.

So these are the places that I would love to travel to. I hope we can start soon but with financial difficulties it will probably not start until our kids are grown. It's just a goal for the future. Something to look forward to. We should all have goals that we strive for in the future. :) Comment on the country you would like to visit the most.

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

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